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Justin Bohner


As the New Year approaches and we inevitably begin to dream of 'resolutions' that we would like to see kept in 2025, I am going to list three of these that I believe will be beneficial to you, both now and in eternity.


I. pray

Prayer is important. I know, I know, that is a drastic understatement. But seriously, prayer is really important. We take this for granted in Christian circles, often touting the concept and blessings of prayer, but we hardly ever stop to consider just how integral and impactful it really is. How often have you stopped and just marveled at the staggering reality that you have direct access to the Creator and sustainer of the universe itself. And not only do you have his full access, but when you call upon him, you have his full attention.

Sadly, year after year we look back and see no real change in the frequency, sincerity, and potency of our prayer life. We are often content with going prayer-less, relegating it to a blessing before dinner or a NASCAR race. Christian, you have the opportunity to change that. Starting right now, you can purpose in your heart to live before the face of God, in his presence, enjoying sweet fellowship with him through prayer.

I want to attach a simple word to this resolution, and I will do so with the others as well. Focusing on these words will help to simplify our goals, helping to dial us in and keep things simple. Here is the word I want you to focus on in your prayer journey: awareness. This seems simple, but I believe it will revolutionize your prayer life and lead you to, like the Apostle Paul said, "pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17). When I say awareness, I simply mean to strive for a life of actively and consciously recognizing and resting in the manifest presence of God with you at all times. Stop thinking of prayer merely as a formula or an incantation, but rather think of it as an intimate and continual dialogue with your ever-present, all-knowing heavenly Father.

II eat the Word

"It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.' " - Matthew 4:4

"Give us this day our daily bread." - Matthew 6:11

How long do you go between meals? Maybe you are like me and have a bad habit of skipping breakfast. For the vast majority of us, we make it a priority to eat on a regular basis. Our bodies have no problem telling us when this is needed! But do we have this mentality when it comes to taking in and feasting upon the Word of God? Jesus did.

Now, I have to briefly qualify that last statement. Jesus wasn't reading from the same Bible you and I are. The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) were being lived during his lifetime, and the Epistles that comprise the remainder of the New Testament came after Jesus had ascended to heaven. So what was Jesus reading? What was the 'Word" he was referencing? It was the Old Testament, the books from Genesis to Malachi that chronicle the creation of the world, the fall of man, the plan of redemption, the formation of Israel, the countless apostasies of Israel, and the loving and long-suffering hand of God upon them.

For Jesus, the Word of God was more than just giving mere mental assent to the reality that God has spoken to us in written form through the hands inspired men. No, for Jesus the Word was all that God had spoken, including the written Word, but also creation itself, and the Holy Spirit. And what did Jesus say was the best way to illustrate a habit of seeing and savoring this Word? Eat.

This year, I encourage you to keep this word in mind when it comes to taking in the Word of God: eat. This simple word, when connected to the inspired Word of God, brings all sorts of beautiful connections to mind. How much do I eat? When do I eat? What specifically do I eat? I will briefly answer each of these simple but helpful questions.

How much? However much it takes to fill you up. Begin small, and pray that your appetite grows. This isn't an exercise in guilt, but rather a practice of being with God and hearing from Him in His word.

When? That's up to you. I can't tell you when to eat food during the day, so I don't feel that I have the privilege to tell you when to eat your spiritual food. Whatever time of day you find works best for you, that is likely the best one.

What do I eat? Praise be to God that He has providentially given us His written Word! There are 66 books of the Bible, all containing truth, goodness, and beauty. Just pick one and stick with it all the way through. But, stick with the Word. Many people drift into dangerous territory when they realize their souls need for spiritual food and decide to look for it other places than with Yahweh, the God of the Bible.

So this year, resolve to eat the Word every day. Your soul needs it. And so does your world.

III have a God-honoring family

Finally, we come to the family. Now this list could go on and on, and I could attempt to make a laundry list of duties and responsibilities that we are all guilty of slacking on, but that doesn't seem helpful. Instead, I want to give the word to focus on right here in the beginning, and show you why it is so important. That word is intentional.

What this word means, simply, is 'done on purpose.' It just means doing things for a reason. Now, to beef this concept up a little, I want to add that the reason should be to glorify God. So here is the charge and resolution that I pray you take into account this year: lead your family in an intentional way with the primary goal of bringing glory to God. How can we do this?

First, be a part of a healthy local church. In our soft evangelical age, it is easy to have 'church at home' or 'church online' but that is all an excuse for laziness. Lead your family in being a real and active part of a local church, the gathered and visible body of Christ. This is where God is primarily worshipped and where Christians are primarily fed the truth of God. This is where rivers of water flow from that go out and heal the nations (p.s. you are the water). Glorify God in your family by taking them to church.

Second, do family worship. This one is so easy to do and just as easy not to do. It is easy to do because it only takes 10 or so minutes. Read a passage of Scripture, talk about it with your family, answer their questions, sing a song, and say a prayer and that's it. It is simple. But it is easy to neglect if we don't make it a priority. With all the busyness of daily life in our consumeristic world, things like family worship become negotiable when put up against football practice and dance class. This ought not be so.

Third, communicate with your family in an intentional way. When you speak to your wife, have the goal in mind of building her up to glorify God. When you speak to your children, from discipline to decisions, have in mind that they will either bring glory and honor to God with their lives or not, and you have a large part to do with that. Love your family well, and speak to them in a way that is conducive to building them up as a whole, taking care of their souls, and bringing glory to the Almighty God.


My charge to you is simple: be resolved. Make a commitment to God in your heart that you are going to pursue Him this year. Pray honestly, pray often, eat the Word, and lead your family to Christ. You can do it. We are here to help.

And remember, the meek, not the weak, inherit the earth.

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